PALAPES units (Reserve Officers Training Units - ROTU) are formed at 12 universities and institutes of higher education to facilitate the recruitment of graduate officers.
Although the unit is a reserve force, but it doesn't mean any difference from the modules of training if compare with the regular army. Since, we had spent our weekdays for studying, so the only option for the training is on the weekend and the semester break.
To make sure we can cope with studies and trainings, time management skills is a MUST. Without this skills, all will become a mess. But luckily I've found a proper ways for me to manage my time in the right ways.
Basically, what will covered in my training course??
The answer is very easy......It consists of Weapon classes, Marching, Tactic Classes, Physical Training
So far the weapons that covered in my training will be show as below :

LMG a.k.a HK 11

My Core weapon M16A1

M16A1 + M203 Launcher

Our Big Daddy here, Anti Tank - Carl Gustav

Mortar 60mm

Support Fire- GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun)
Actually the main reason that I enter this unit is because I am interested to know more about firearms and take this as a challenge. In fact,there are lot of steps that we have to keep in mind because 1 mistake can bring a disaster when handling this wrongly.This is the real firearms which is totally different as you seen on the games and TV. After I've went thru the trainings,now I can easily differentiate that a person really know to handle their weapon or not...
As a simple conclusion for today is, a good army have to master their skills on the weapon. So that they can protect our country from the enemies.